Friday, 25 May 2012

Time To Prepare

As you already know the House Martins are back so this give's us until september to prepare any new information or ammo we may get, because even though the developer's can knock the Greenwood down, they cannot do it whilst the House Martin's are nesting. Pity they don't live here permenantly. Does anyone know a Russian olygark who might want to help. That is just a little aside for any body who is a bit joke dyslexic. Will keep you posted if anything else happen's. See you all soon folk's.


On Thursday the 24th of May 2012 there was a Bolton Planning Commitee Meeting. Amongst other item's on the agenda were the 2 set's of plan's for the Greenwood Arm's. After Mr. Sedgwick had put his case for the approval of these plan's one of the commitee asked him if 4 tree's had been cut down(there is a preservation order on the trees at the back of the bowling green). Mr. Sedgwick replied that yes, 4 trees had been cut down by person or person's unknown. Then our 2 objectors then had their 2 minutes for speaking, Roy and Barry, as usual they put the case forward very deftly but were not asked any question's. I am afraid I am not sure of the councillor's name's, but one of them I think his name is Mr.Peel said that he didn't like the shop parking arrangement and could possibly see accident's occurring by driver's backing out of the parking area on to Chorley New Rd. Another councillor although approved of the shop's but not of the dwelling's because in his opinion it was over population, he also said that our group had better get used to the idea that change is going to happen and that the bowling green will never be used as one again, let's prove him wrong! A vote was taken and both application's were REFUSED. To say we were elated is an understatement, but we really need more input from the Horwich folk's even if you just pop something on facebook, it can be saved and put in the paperwork that we already have. If there is anyone out there who know's any history of the Greenwood at all, even if you think it is not relevant please let us know. I would like to say a Great Big Thank you and a Big Pat on the Back to Roy,Ken,Barry and Alan the driver, and to all who are supporting and helping us with this crusade. Get your thinking cap's on, that is the 3rd battle won but the war is still on!!!!!

Friday, 11 May 2012

Just A Thought

I was thinking about freedom of speech and there is a possibility that it is not as free as we think it is. I was wondering if we sent our grievances to Private Eye magazine if they could not come up with something in our favour? Does anyone have a view on this Idea, if you do let us know. You can comment on our facebook page. This is the address, Let's see what we can do O.K. folk's. On the plan's this time there are even more dwelling's, therefore even more people and car's. The very odd Idea of in-build to take up unused or what they deem as unused land is not a good one at all. Too many people in too small a space will create a Hot House effect were trouble will just brew and the people will feel that they have no room to breath or enjoy their own home's and garden's, this will cause resentment and cause aggravation and possibly confrontation, the over stretched polce force will be called, this will result in virtual cold war feeling's to your neighbour's. All this just bacause the government say's we need more houses? Why doesn't the government take a survey of all abandoned and dis-used building's in the U.K, any and all of them, re-furbish these and use these for who ever they say need's a home. The Greenwood as we have said before could be turned into flat's or even a hotel with use of bowling green for themselves and clubs. The government's of today keep banging on about re-cycling and up-cycling so why cannot this be done for The Greenwood Arms. Surely this would certainly be a lot more enviromentally friendly than demolishing it and taking away green space that help's to clean our atmosphere( Bowling Green ). I would also like to point out that the House Martin's are back and feverishly nest building and re-furbishing their older nest's.So no demolition until October time!!!!!!

The Latest Bit

This is the latest new's about The Greenwood. We are still battling but could do with more help on the exposure front. If anyone would like to send letter's or e-mails to different newspaper's around the country, feel free to do so.