Friday 25 May 2012


On Thursday the 24th of May 2012 there was a Bolton Planning Commitee Meeting. Amongst other item's on the agenda were the 2 set's of plan's for the Greenwood Arm's. After Mr. Sedgwick had put his case for the approval of these plan's one of the commitee asked him if 4 tree's had been cut down(there is a preservation order on the trees at the back of the bowling green). Mr. Sedgwick replied that yes, 4 trees had been cut down by person or person's unknown. Then our 2 objectors then had their 2 minutes for speaking, Roy and Barry, as usual they put the case forward very deftly but were not asked any question's. I am afraid I am not sure of the councillor's name's, but one of them I think his name is Mr.Peel said that he didn't like the shop parking arrangement and could possibly see accident's occurring by driver's backing out of the parking area on to Chorley New Rd. Another councillor although approved of the shop's but not of the dwelling's because in his opinion it was over population, he also said that our group had better get used to the idea that change is going to happen and that the bowling green will never be used as one again, let's prove him wrong! A vote was taken and both application's were REFUSED. To say we were elated is an understatement, but we really need more input from the Horwich folk's even if you just pop something on facebook, it can be saved and put in the paperwork that we already have. If there is anyone out there who know's any history of the Greenwood at all, even if you think it is not relevant please let us know. I would like to say a Great Big Thank you and a Big Pat on the Back to Roy,Ken,Barry and Alan the driver, and to all who are supporting and helping us with this crusade. Get your thinking cap's on, that is the 3rd battle won but the war is still on!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi There
    I have been trying to contact you for weeks. I'm the editor of the new newspaper Living In BL we have been giving coverage to the Greenwood and want someone from your group to get in touch. Tel 01204 669966 - e-mail and here's a link please see page 2
    Thanks so much
